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# Project Tracker Status Priority Category Subject Assignee Updated
447 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper - Loading Screen Crash With Game Update & Graphical Glitches With Version 0 In USA Version 12/19/2020 01:05 AM Actions
435 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Devil's Third Texture Corruption and low framerate in vulkan 11/23/2020 01:04 PM Actions
420 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Just Dance 4 is Unplayable 10/18/2020 01:15 PM Actions
388 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Just Dance 2016-2017 and 2018 loops on Start Screen 07/27/2020 12:53 PM Actions
360 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) crashes when trying to load a savegame. 06/02/2020 10:02 PM Actions
341 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Octodad: Dadliest Catch Missing wife 05/20/2020 04:49 PM Actions
320 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Load Address PPC instruction 04/22/2020 06:04 PM Actions
218 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Compatibility Add function to switch from one software to another 12/07/2019 01:14 PM Actions
211 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Phineas and Ferb hitbox detection 11/23/2019 10:36 PM Actions
177 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Wind Waker HD - Pictoboxed sidequest bugged 08/24/2019 03:13 AM Actions
136 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Random crash still in ninja gaiden 3 07/18/2019 07:44 AM Actions
105 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Disney Infinity 3.0 with ToyPad HID not functioning 07/07/2019 12:58 PM Actions
23 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Wii Party U crashes on before loading gameplay 07/04/2019 12:43 AM Actions
102 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Currently only JPN version Genei IbunRoku #FE doesn't work/is unable to boot properly due to incompatibility of meta.xml.When booting the game, title bar's text is garbled. 07/03/2019 11:40 PM Actions
91 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Pac-Man And The Ghostly Adventures 2 - Fails To Boot 06/17/2019 12:10 PM Actions
76 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Compatibility Allow Graphic Packs to change the .tga files in the meta folder of games. 06/04/2019 06:13 PM Actions
670 Cemu Bug New Normal General Breath of the wild crashes on bomb shrine (with randomizer on) 05/17/2024 11:47 PM Actions
671 Cemu Bug New Normal General Cemu doesn't load properly and has problems with accessing the file system and pixbuf. 05/13/2024 06:46 PM Actions
691 Cemu Bug New Normal General Pretendo online does not function for Linux on the latest build, returns HTTP request received response 403 but expected 200 04/29/2024 05:11 PM Actions
687 Cemu Bug New Normal General When using Multiplicity to share mouse/keyboard CEMU crashes upon moving to other computer 11/17/2023 02:17 AM Actions
685 Cemu Bug New Normal General Cemu Crashes when trying to load certain games like new SM bros U and transformers prime 10/19/2023 06:36 PM Actions
673 Cemu Bug New Normal General Bugs that i have found so far while playing Skylanders Swap Force 01/13/2023 06:11 PM Actions
667 Cemu Bug New Normal General Crashes after entering specific level in Super Mario 3D World 12/11/2022 11:23 AM Actions
665 Cemu Bug New Normal General Breath of the wild freeze at launch screen (Steam deck) 10/20/2022 12:11 PM Actions
664 Cemu Bug New Normal General DKC: Tropical Paradise - Platforms resetting prematurely 09/23/2022 01:05 PM Actions
(51-75/323) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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