


Feature requests #445

Input Settings - Have Profiles save/set the desired input device upon Profile Save/Load

Added by colin over 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

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As of Version 1.22.0, Compiled Nov 22 2020 06:36:53...

Re: input profiles...

For a while I was loading one profile for both emulated controllers and what I found was:

  • one physical controller worked and controlled both emulated controllers, both Mario and Luigi
  • the other physical controller did not work

So it occurred to me that the physical controllers must be tied to the per-emulated-controller profiles... So to test this I saved two different profiles, one with physical controller 1 and the other with physical controller 2; mapped the game controllers to these respectively; and my problem went away... Mario and Luigi no longer mirroring each other... Great, got it working.

The trouble is... this took me forever to figure out... and this is why:

Loading the profile in Input Settings neither changes the physical controller nor the dropdown menu when it should do both, because this is the behavior at game startup, as I have demonstrated.

So the problem here is twofold:

  1. Per-emulated-controller-profile-load should not behave differently at game startup and at Input Settings load button.
  2. Save->Load should clearly demonstrate to user what they are saving... in this case it doesn't

So... two approaches I can see...

If you're going to tie the physical controllers to the per-emulated-controller profiles, then the load button behavior must be fixed for consistency.
--- OR ---
If you don't want to tie them together, then you either need to persist the Controller dropdown or remove it

All in all, super confusing for the user. Takes a lot of trial-and-error to see the actual, inconsistent behavior. And I just want to play Mario and Luigi on the super amazing emulator y'all wrote.

Bottom line is that user should have quick intuitive pathway to multiplayer controls that they can set and forget



Updated by Serfrost almost 4 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature requests
  • Subject changed from Input Settings small fixes to Input Settings - Have Profiles save/set the desired input device upon Profile Save/Load
  • Category set to Input
  • Assignee set to Petergov

This is actually part of the input confusion issue I mentioned the other week, so hopefully we can have this resolved eventually in some fashion. Though, to be fair, this is more of a Feature Request instead of a bug.

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