Bug #451
Sound issues in ZombiU
There's a lot of sound issues in ZombiU.
The game sound only works in stereo mode, if the cemu options and/or the game options are set to surround, no music is played.
The stereo sound works overall in the game, but the loading screen sounds are not working, the shoots, or some other sounds in the game are not working, also the voice of the man behind the cameras are played with lag, only saying the second part of some phrases.
I remember this game have sound problems in cemu from the beginning, but I also remember shoot sounds and loading screen sounds working in some earlier builds of cemu "maybe I'm wrong" but the thing is this game is perfectly playable from start to beginning but with this big issues on the sound's side.
Updated by luismasp about 3 years ago
Cemu 1.26.0c
The issue persist. I tested again because I saw some improvements in the aux sound channel in this version, but nothing has changed. There is a sound channel still missing for this game.
Updated by luismasp almost 3 years ago
The issue persists. Tested in 1.27.0b with the new audio backend "cubeb"