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# Project Tracker Status Priority Category Subject Assignee Updated
128 Cemu Feature requests New Normal General Native Linux Build 07/05/2019 06:20 AM Actions
122 Cemu Bug New Normal General Debugger Bug 07/04/2019 02:33 AM Actions
4 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Input Proper gamepad mic support/USB mic support 07/04/2019 12:46 AM Actions
8 Cemu Feature requests New Normal UI In app bug/feature request. 07/04/2019 12:45 AM Actions
58 Cemu Feature requests New Normal General Input Settings does not retain active profile name 07/04/2019 12:44 AM Actions
61 Cemu Feature requests New Normal General Implement an easy way to create game shortcuts. 07/04/2019 12:44 AM Actions
23 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Wii Party U crashes on before loading gameplay 07/04/2019 12:43 AM Actions
27 Cemu Bug New Normal Sound Dr. Luigi: BGM gets corrupted after ~3 mins 07/04/2019 12:43 AM Actions
28 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Bayonetta 2: Missing shadows 07/04/2019 12:42 AM Actions
29 Cemu Bug New Normal Sound Bayonetta 2: Audio is not sync with video during cutscenes 07/04/2019 12:42 AM Actions
34 Cemu Bug New Normal General GFX selection and settings.xml corruption when GFX pack folder is on a different partition (using a link) 07/04/2019 12:42 AM Actions
41 Cemu Bug New Normal Input Rumble not working on Xbox One S Pad connected to Nvidia Shield TV 07/04/2019 12:41 AM Actions
67 Cemu Feature requests New Normal General Memory Searcher: Features to search for addresses with unknown initial value 07/04/2019 12:37 AM Actions
69 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Graphic Sharp-Bilinear as an upscale filter option. 07/03/2019 11:55 PM Actions
88 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Tokyo Mirage Lighting Issue 07/03/2019 11:50 PM Actions
99 Cemu Feature requests New Normal UI Grey-out Specific GraphicPacks when certain conditions are specified in Rules.txt 07/03/2019 11:49 PM Actions
100 Cemu Feature requests New Normal UI When enabling a GraphicPack, allow the Presets and Description to show. 07/03/2019 11:48 PM Actions
104 Cemu Feature requests New Normal UI Advanced options: Restore Default Settings and Clear Shader Cache 07/03/2019 11:48 PM Actions
110 Cemu Feature requests New Normal UI QOL improvemnts for GUI 07/03/2019 11:48 PM Actions
118 Cemu Feature requests New Normal UI Customizable Hotkey Menu 07/03/2019 11:47 PM Actions
102 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Currently only JPN version Genei IbunRoku #FE doesn't work/is unable to boot properly due to incompatibility of meta.xml.When booting the game, title bar's text is garbled. 07/03/2019 11:40 PM Actions
98 Cemu Feature requests New Normal General [PPC Debugger] New breakpoint events (execute and registry) 06/22/2019 08:03 AM Actions
93 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Pikmin 3 Massive Slowdown when winning splitscreen bingo battle [1.15.8] 06/19/2019 02:09 AM Actions
92 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic M&S Rio 2016 Splitscreen Graphical Bug 06/18/2019 04:36 AM Actions
91 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Pac-Man And The Ghostly Adventures 2 - Fails To Boot 06/17/2019 12:10 PM Actions
78 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic N64 VC - Star Fox 64 text jumbles 06/07/2019 09:47 PM Actions
77 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Mii faces not rendering properly in certain games 06/07/2019 10:31 AM Actions
76 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Compatibility Allow Graphic Packs to change the .tga files in the meta folder of games. 06/04/2019 06:13 PM Actions
57 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Lego Dimensions various lighting issues 05/05/2019 02:31 PM Actions
56 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Sound Implement support for bootSound.btsnd when compiling shaderCache. 05/05/2019 06:43 AM Actions
2 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Sonic Lost World - Rainbow-ish overlay in the distance 04/21/2019 06:43 PM Actions
43 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic visual failures in all games of Taiko no Tatsujin 04/14/2019 01:18 AM Actions
515 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility New Super Mario Bros. U - Luigi U DLC Crashes at the intro Exzap 05/04/2021 12:14 PM Actions
677 Cemu Bug New Normal Input PS5 Controller not connected on startup Petergov 05/28/2024 01:02 AM Actions
681 Cemu Bug New Normal Input Wheel of Fortune/Jeopardy 2 player mode Petergov 08/27/2023 03:42 PM Actions
669 Cemu Bug New Normal Input Cemu gamepad frozen in twilight princess hd Petergov 12/27/2022 11:52 PM Actions
648 Cemu Bug New Normal Input Steam Deck : Right analog stick doesn't work after wake from sleep Petergov 06/16/2022 05:30 PM Actions
644 Cemu Bug New Normal Input Steam Controllers no longer work in Cemu 1.26+ with SDL Petergov 05/29/2022 11:36 AM Actions
643 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Input Controller key combination to close a game Petergov 05/21/2022 06:43 PM Actions
637 Cemu Bug New Normal Input Second Wiimote has much more input delay Petergov 04/22/2022 10:27 PM Actions
631 Cemu Bug New Normal Input crash on wake of wireless gamepad Petergov 03/26/2022 01:41 AM Actions
626 Cemu Bug New Normal Input DSUController not listing controllers from another host IP Petergov 03/19/2022 11:41 AM Actions
621 Cemu Bug New Normal Input Battle Quest minigame for Nintendoland ZL ZR button Issues Petergov 02/19/2022 07:43 PM Actions
550 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Input Highlight Controller Input When Input Activated Petergov 01/25/2022 02:44 PM Actions
617 Cemu Bug New Normal Input Switching to gamepad view no longer working Petergov 01/24/2022 06:22 PM Actions
615 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Input Allow motion with mouse to stay at last placement Petergov 01/22/2022 10:15 AM Actions
614 Cemu Bug New Normal Input The "Show screen" function does not work. Petergov 01/20/2022 06:50 PM Actions
613 Cemu Bug New Normal Input 1.26.0 only detects 1 controller Petergov 01/20/2022 01:24 PM Actions
595 Cemu Bug New Normal Input Switch Pro controller with SDL - motion controls not working correctly Petergov 01/10/2022 08:55 PM Actions
610 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Input Bring back WGI for use of Impulse Triggers on Xbox One S/X and series S/X controllers Petergov 01/10/2022 04:36 PM Actions
(201-250/323) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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