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# Project Tracker Status Priority Category Subject Assignee Updated
3 Cemu Bug In Progress Normal Compatibility Floating-point inaccuracies in recompiler 04/19/2019 09:22 AM Actions
691 Cemu Bug New Normal General Pretendo online does not function for Linux on the latest build, returns HTTP request received response 403 but expected 200 04/29/2024 05:11 PM Actions
687 Cemu Bug New Normal General When using Multiplicity to share mouse/keyboard CEMU crashes upon moving to other computer 11/17/2023 02:17 AM Actions
685 Cemu Bug New Normal General Cemu Crashes when trying to load certain games like new SM bros U and transformers prime 10/19/2023 06:36 PM Actions
673 Cemu Bug New Normal General Bugs that i have found so far while playing Skylanders Swap Force 01/13/2023 06:11 PM Actions
671 Cemu Bug New Normal General Cemu doesn't load properly and has problems with accessing the file system and pixbuf. 05/13/2024 06:46 PM Actions
670 Cemu Bug New Normal General Breath of the wild crashes on bomb shrine (with randomizer on) 05/17/2024 11:47 PM Actions
667 Cemu Bug New Normal General Crashes after entering specific level in Super Mario 3D World 12/11/2022 11:23 AM Actions
665 Cemu Bug New Normal General Breath of the wild freeze at launch screen (Steam deck) 10/20/2022 12:11 PM Actions
664 Cemu Bug New Normal General DKC: Tropical Paradise - Platforms resetting prematurely 09/23/2022 01:05 PM Actions
659 Cemu Bug New Normal General Online doesn't work 09/05/2022 04:54 PM Actions
655 Cemu Feature requests New Normal General Allow exclusive fullscreen mode with Vulkan 08/13/2022 03:08 AM Actions
645 Cemu Bug New Normal General Crash on startup when offline in SteamOS (Steam Deck) 06/04/2022 03:11 AM Actions
634 Cemu Bug New Normal General Mario VS Donkey kong Tipping stars game crash 04/21/2022 05:43 PM Actions
630 Cemu Bug New Normal General VSync not working in OpenGL 07/21/2022 12:35 PM Actions
627 Cemu Bug New Normal General Skylanders drop reset 03/14/2022 09:34 PM Actions
598 Cemu Bug New Normal General Call of Duty - Networking Bug 01/06/2022 03:38 AM Actions
597 Cemu Bug New Normal General Assassin's Creed 4 - Networking Bug 01/06/2022 03:33 AM Actions
592 Cemu Bug New Normal General NEX: Error 0x00000000 in login response, NEX: Error during authentication. (Online Error) 12/26/2021 03:33 PM Actions
590 Cemu Bug New Normal General Game fails to load when using relative paths 01/08/2022 09:34 PM Actions
589 Cemu Feature requests New Normal General Download Manager 11/28/2021 10:27 PM Actions
586 Cemu Feature requests New Normal General Hotkeys for graphic packs 11/13/2021 07:19 AM Actions
575 Cemu Feature requests New Normal General A master game-profiles settings tab/function 10/03/2021 08:21 AM Actions
543 Cemu Bug New Normal General New Super Mario Bros U DLC (aka New Super Luigi U) crashes a few second into the intro 07/17/2021 04:54 PM Actions
527 Cemu Bug New Normal General Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed [crashes a lot and has glitched visuals and missing textures and glitched text] 06/12/2021 02:04 AM Actions
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