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# Project Tracker Status Priority Category Subject Assignee Updated
333 Cemu Bug New Normal General Hyrule Warriors Amiibo issues 04/11/2021 08:26 PM Actions
269 Cemu Bug New Normal Sound Mario Kart 8: Some sounds underwater are really quiet 04/11/2021 08:00 PM Actions
293 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic "Adventure Time: Finn And Jake Investigations" doesn't render graphics correctly (lights, shadows etc) 04/10/2021 05:46 PM Actions
281 Cemu Bug New Normal UI Debugger R/W Breakpoints are Broken 04/10/2021 05:42 PM Actions
272 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Vulkan: Characters won't render in The Wonder 101 04/10/2021 05:26 PM Actions
242 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Yoshi's Woolly World - Exploding vertices introduced on 1.15.6 04/10/2021 04:47 PM Actions
199 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - "Funky's Fly 'n' Buy" stuck still happens 04/10/2021 04:41 PM Actions
481 Cemu Bug New Normal General Tokyo Mirage Sessions freezes on Cemu 1.22.6c a few seconds after launching the game 04/10/2021 02:52 PM Actions
487 Cemu Bug New Normal UI Paper Mario Color Splash - Waterfall glitch 04/10/2021 02:49 PM Actions
503 Cemu Bug Accepted Normal Graphic Red Trail when swinging in BOTW 04/02/2021 09:32 AM Actions
496 Cemu Bug Accepted Normal General Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Black screen on main window, when resizing gamepad window or switching it to full screen 03/15/2021 07:10 PM Actions
499 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Yakuza - Ryu ga Gotoku 1&2 HD for Wii U freezes after load screen,savegame cannot be overwritten 03/15/2021 01:11 PM Actions
478 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Disney Infinity Compatibility 03/13/2021 03:38 PM Actions
467 Cemu Bug New Normal General Lego Batman 3 unable to overwrite save file 03/12/2021 01:42 PM Actions
489 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Graphic Gamepad Screen Transparency 02/26/2021 07:32 PM Actions
485 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Language select at first launch 02/14/2021 07:28 PM Actions
484 Cemu Feature requests New Normal Add a help screen for hot keys and general controls 02/14/2021 07:25 PM Actions
460 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Super Mario Bros crash when playing Super Luigi U DLC 02/12/2021 05:46 PM Actions
480 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Call of Duty Black Ops 2 02/11/2021 02:35 AM Actions
473 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Mario vs Donkey Kong Tipping Stars graphics and sound bug 02/06/2021 04:48 PM Actions
357 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Games that only shows a black screen when launched 01/31/2021 05:36 PM Actions
463 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor edge USA (graphic bugs) 01/21/2021 06:29 AM Actions
462 Cemu Bug New Normal General PC / Driver Crashes in Botw on Navi Cards (RX 5700XT) 01/18/2021 05:12 PM Actions
457 Cemu Bug New Normal UI Text glitches in Affinity Chart from Xenoblade Chronicles X 01/12/2021 08:26 PM Actions
453 Cemu Feature requests New Normal General Cemu Memory Searcher hex search type option 01/01/2021 07:24 PM Actions
(126-150/323) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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