Bug #199
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - "Funky's Fly 'n' Buy" stuck still happens
The game still crashes every time I try to get on "Funky's Fly 'n' Buy". I would love to have a way around this without closing Cemu and switching to interpreter mode. This is frustrating.
Updated by paulohenrique over 5 years ago
My PC specs
Windows 10 Pro x64
Intel Core i7-6700 @ 3.40GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 G1 Gaming 8G
EVGA 750W 80 Plus Gold Semi Modular ECO Mode
Gigabyte GA-H110M-H, DDR4, LGA 1151, Micro ATX, Intel H110
Joystick Sony DualShock 4
Updated by anderson0cardoos almost 5 years ago
- File unknown.png unknown.png added
paulohenrique wrote:
The game still crashes every time I try to get on "Funky's Fly 'n' Buy". I would love to have a way around this without closing Cemu and switching to interpreter mode. This is frustrating.
Hello there! a friend told me regard this bug today; I would say a best workaround at the moment is to use Cemu version:1.15.0.e, just tested today and there is no such bug there at all and work properly. Try it out till they decide to fix this thing!
Updated by nalor almost 5 years ago
Just tested it with different versions and I think the bug is always present.
Version 1.11: not working for most funky barns, but some are (the one in the 3rd and 4th world is working)
Version 1.14: not working in the first world, but it's working in the 4th world
Version 1.15: not working in the first world, but it's working in the 4th world
Version 1.19: working in the 4th world
Note that I didn't test every combination - in case it helps just tell and I'll provide more details.
About version 1.15 - there's also a youtube video available showing it's not working: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uje2yEXFLis and below the video there's a comment telling that this detail never worked correctly.
So I don't think there has ever been a version where it's working correctly.
As this is the only bug I'm aware when playing DKCTF it would be really great if it could be fixed sooner than later.
Thanks in advance!
Updated by nalor almost 5 years ago
Now I know why it's working sometimes in 'recompiler' mode: it only works in case you're already in front of the funky barn when entering the game, as soon as you move on the map it's not working any longer.
So the most performant way to enter a funky barn is to:
- move to the funky barn on the map
- return to the main title screen (in-game-exit) -> your position in front of the barn is saved
- now quit cemu
- start cemu again
- launch DKCTF again and load the game -> you're still directly in front of the funky barn
- enter the barn -> at least for me it's working repeatable this way.
It's not necessary to switch to interpreter mode this way!
Updated by paulohenrique0349 about 4 years ago
After more than 1 year, the problem still persists.
Tested last time on version 1.22.6c.