Bug #629
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash crash at main menu
Moving around in main menu (after you press button A, those animated tiles...) makes CEMU frequently crash. It's 100% reproducible for me just moving around between animated tiles for 10-30secs.
Tested with: OGL and VK, no cemuhook dll installed, tried CPU single, multi, auto, online account=off.
Crash dump: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApMUGr0cuN39gokP53_3hPKisyadOQ?e=3MJFH8
Gaming laptop ASUS GL703GS, Win 10, i7-8750H (6+6 cores), NVidia 1070 8GB, 32GB RAM, 1920x1080 144Hz G-Sync laptop screen, NVMe + SSD
Updated by Exzap almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
This is caused by a bug in the new video decoder. The next Cemu release should have a fix for this.
As a workaround you can use Cemuhook's H264 decoder for now.
Updated by hexaae almost 3 years ago
Thank you for quick reply.
I just tried with cemuhook.dll and keystone.dll in CEMU.exe dir, but doesn't fix this game.
No prob anyway: I'll wait for the next CEMU build.
Updated by Exzap almost 3 years ago
You have to turn it on in the menu under debug -> Use Cemuhook H264
Updated by hexaae almost 3 years ago
Thanks! Wasn't specified on Cemu hook installation instructions.
Updated by cooxie1234 almost 3 years ago
- File mainmenu.jpg mainmenu.jpg added
Issue still present on experimental 1.27.0
There are also some artifacts in the main menu with demuhook H264 disabled. See the edges in attached screenshot.
unrelated - Bug #580 still present on experimental 1.27.0
Updated by Exzap almost 3 years ago
Enable debug -> accurate barriers and let me know if that fixes the artifacts
Updated by cooxie1234 almost 3 years ago
Exzap wrote:
Enable debug -> accurate barriers and let me know if that fixes the artifacts
Yes. Fixes the artifacts.
Updated by hexaae almost 3 years ago
After I ran it twice (it still crashed first time, maybe a caches thing...) it's now working fine with 1.27.0b and doesn't crash anymore at the tiles menu.
Updated by hexaae almost 3 years ago
Still a bit buggy though: sometimes Tiles animation get stuck until you change tile.