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# Project Tracker Status Priority Category Subject Assignee Updated
339 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic White screen while playing Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE [ASEE01] using Vulkan 05/20/2020 10:28 AM Actions
688 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Wii Fit U crashes the emulator on boot 04/08/2024 11:43 AM Actions
546 Cemu Bug New Normal Input Wii MotionPlus INSIDE controllers not detected Petergov 07/23/2021 03:31 AM Actions
23 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Wii Party U crashes on before loading gameplay 07/04/2019 12:43 AM Actions
505 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Wii U Home Menu - Black flickering 04/13/2021 04:56 PM Actions
506 Cemu Bug New Normal General Wii U System Settings App - Has a high chance of crashing when opening the TV Settings tab 04/13/2021 04:57 PM Actions
537 Cemu Bug New Normal Input wiimote nunchuck input settings up, down, left, right nunchuck mapping bug Petergov 07/10/2021 06:32 AM Actions
177 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Wind Waker HD - Pictoboxed sidequest bugged 08/24/2019 03:13 AM Actions
662 Cemu Bug New Normal Sound Windows audio settings do not take effect when used with cemu xaudio2 backend. 09/16/2022 02:32 PM Actions
193 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Xenoblade Chronicles X Broken Cubemap Reflections 09/16/2019 08:49 PM Actions
166 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Xenoblade X broken bloom 08/28/2021 12:35 AM Actions
499 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Yakuza - Ryu ga Gotoku 1&2 HD for Wii U freezes after load screen,savegame cannot be overwritten 03/15/2021 01:11 PM Actions
243 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Yoshi Woolly World: Wool does not render in several locations 06/06/2020 07:45 PM Actions
242 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Yoshi's Woolly World - Exploding vertices introduced on 1.15.6 04/10/2021 04:47 PM Actions
639 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility Yoshi's Woolly World black screen with 1.27.0b 08/28/2022 04:17 PM Actions
274 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic Zombi U Lights through the walls 05/03/2022 07:55 PM Actions
641 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility ZombiU blackscreen after 1.27.0 05/03/2022 07:53 PM Actions
652 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic [Hyrule Warriors] game lags when theres a camera angle change in game rendered cutscenes 08/03/2022 08:00 AM Actions
145 Cemu Bug New Normal Input [Kirby Rainbow Curse/Paintbrush] The touch screen continue to receive inputs even when you release the mouse button Petergov 04/11/2021 06:19 PM Actions
228 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic [Regression] Nex Remix: Stamp image no longer renders 12/19/2019 07:38 AM Actions
678 Cemu Bug New Normal Compatibility [Steam Deck/Linux] Crashes after 5-10 seconds in Sharo Lun Shrine in Breath of the Wild 04/05/2023 06:12 PM Actions
656 Cemu Bug New Normal Graphic [Wind Waker HD] Lens flare effect is missing 08/13/2022 08:12 PM Actions
81 Cemu Bug Accepted Normal Compatibility Art Academy: Home Studio (Cannot Save Lesson) 07/03/2019 11:54 PM Actions
432 Cemu Bug Accepted Normal Input Cannot input Alt+C | Ctrl+Alt+C anywhere while Cemu is open in the background. Petergov 04/12/2021 01:01 AM Actions
5 Cemu Bug Accepted Normal Input Controller input not being fully detected/functioning properly Petergov 07/04/2019 12:46 AM Actions
(276-300/323) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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