Bug #570
Many Issues with Skylanders: Swap-Force
I have encountered many issues regarding emulating Skylanders Swap Force, all of which are graphical as well as portal issues, a couple of which are game-breaking. A few I can mention quickly is the title logo missing from the screen, save file icons missing, as well as visual glitches usually dealing with reflections which I shall include a picture of. The only portal that seems to actually function more or less with the game is the Trap Team portal, any other portals don't register the Skylanders properly and act like they're being taken on and off the portal constantly, rendering it unplayable. Even so, the Trap Team portal comes with its own issues, such as the Skylander being stuck into the game quite often even if you take it off of the physical portal, meaning you're not able to switch Skylanders once you place one on most of the time. And finally, there is this one specific section very early on in the first level. After meeting this npc in a cage the floor beneath him and your Skylander breaks and you're supposed to fall down to the ground below you. The problem is when you fall sometimes the game thinks you're out of bounds and teleports you back up to the top, to where you just fall down again and just repeatedly keep falling and teleporting, again, making the game unplayable most of the time.