


Bug #373

Linking the mlc path and game directory causes boot crash.

Added by chriztr over 4 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Start date:
OpenGL, Vulkan
Cemu Version:
GPU Vendor/Model:
AMD Radeon RX 5700


Since the release of 1.19.2 base games can be seen from the mlc-folder, just as on the console.
Now here's what interesting; if you're coming from an earlier build and had the base game placed in the 0005000-folder, or have that exact folder linked as your base game folder, Cemu will crash since it's launching the game twice.

Removing the game path and only having the MLC-path set, with the base game and update inside the mlc-folder fixed the issue.

This was the cause for one unlucky user who came to the cemu discord seeking help after updating from 1.19.1 to 1.19.2 only to experience his copy of XCX would crash on boot.
After some intense troubleshooting back and forth, it got revealed that the game path was set in cemu, and it was set to mlc\usr\title\0005000 (where you would find the games on the console).
And since Cemu sees base games installed automatically this caused a crash on his end.

Is there a way to make so you can't set the base game, update and mlc-folder? It'll prevent this from happening in the future.
Also an clear FYI in the general settings window about setting game path is not needed if the base games are stored in the mlc path would have been great too.

If any of this is unclear, message me on discord; chrissie#2000 and I'll try to elaborate better.


log_with_basegame_path_set_to_00050000.txt (5.74 KB) log_with_basegame_path_set_to_00050000.txt log.txt from the user who had issues while the game path was set. chriztr, 06/14/2020 05:31 PM



Updated by Serfrost over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Tested with 1.22.10; couldn't reproduce. Should be fine now.

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