


Bug #351

Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water - Lighting, flash light beam, mirror rendering, etc.

Added by chriztr almost 5 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Start date:
OpenGL, Vulkan
Cemu Version:
GPU Vendor/Model:
AMD RX580 / GTX 1060


The game is missing important environment lighting, light beam from flash light (you play with a flash light over 90% of the game), reflections / shadows from light source, which is causing the game to look way darker. - Missing facial lighting (aka black face, there's no light source to brighten the characters)

  • Flash light beam not throwing light at walls, plants, things in the environment
  • Missing shadows due to missing light beam from flash light
  • Roms, buildings, outdoor areas appear darker.
  • Mirrors don't render the mirror effect
  • Moving the brightness slider in-game doesn't affect brightness at all.
  • Black/White moments when you take pictures of people appearing as ghost lacks brightness, rendering them darker.

This pretty much is an issue throughout the entire game.
I made a side-by-side comparison video, picking out some areas in the game where this is very noticeable and should be easy to work with.
The Wii U capture is raw input from the console captured through a capture card (Elgato HD60 Pro)
The Cemu capture is OBS, both recorded at 1080p, yet no scaling, color correction or such added.
No graphic packs where used to enhance the cemu capture.

I also made a set of saves leaving you at the spot shown in the video or close by, only leaving you to walk up to it.
The saves are from the european disc version. This game has some regional difference, afaik you can't use these on the japanese release and I'm unsure if they'll load with the eShop release of the game.

Link to video comparing the two (11mins, covers the basics and should give you an idea of what's going on):

Provided some screenshots from the video for a quick view.

If anything, contact me at discord:


Project Zero saves.7z (3.2 KB) Project Zero saves.7z Zipped collection of saves from the game chriztr, 05/26/2020 08:52 PM
1st_drop_blackface.png (2.56 MB) 1st_drop_blackface.png chriztr, 05/26/2020 08:57 PM
1st_drop_camera_light_beam_door.png (2.33 MB) 1st_drop_camera_light_beam_door.png chriztr, 05/26/2020 08:57 PM
1st_drop_outdoors.png (3.95 MB) 1st_drop_outdoors.png chriztr, 05/26/2020 08:57 PM
2nd_drop_mirror_not_rendering.png (4.28 MB) 2nd_drop_mirror_not_rendering.png chriztr, 05/26/2020 08:57 PM
4th_drop_black_face.png (2.7 MB) 4th_drop_black_face.png chriztr, 05/26/2020 08:57 PM
4th_drop_envr_light_missing.png (4.06 MB) 4th_drop_envr_light_missing.png chriztr, 05/26/2020 08:57 PM
4th_drop_light_beam_and_shadow_missing.png (2.56 MB) 4th_drop_light_beam_and_shadow_missing.png chriztr, 05/26/2020 08:57 PM
6th_drop_fog_envr_lighting.png (3.56 MB) 6th_drop_fog_envr_lighting.png chriztr, 05/26/2020 08:58 PM
project_zero_cemu_1220_init_showing_mirror.png (1.54 MB) project_zero_cemu_1220_init_showing_mirror.png chriztr, 07/18/2020 05:42 PM



Updated by yfextn over 4 years ago

Hope to resolve soon


Updated by yfextn over 4 years ago




Updated by yfextn over 4 years ago

yfextn wrote:

> cemu

> wiiu


Updated by yfextn over 4 years ago

yfextn wrote:




Updated by yfextn over 4 years ago

yfextn wrote:




Updated by yfextn over 4 years ago

yfextn wrote:




Updated by yfextn over 4 years ago

1.20.0 It seems to be no change compared to the previous version


Updated by chriztr over 4 years ago

I did post this in #patreon but I'll post it here as well.
First version of 1.20.0 does show the mirror being rendered in this game compared against how it shows it in 1.19.x and 1.20.0b and c


Updated by yfextn over 4 years ago

1.20.1 no changes


Updated by yfextn over 4 years ago

1.20.1c no changes


Updated by yfextn over 4 years ago

1.20.2b no changes


Updated by yfextn over 4 years ago

1.21.1b no changes


Updated by Serfrost almost 4 years ago

  • Cemu Version changed from 1.19.1 to 1.22.10b

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