Bug #22
Project Zero european copy broken where the Japanese one is not.
So there's a few regional differences to that game, and the european copy crashes at the third drop halfway into the level when you make your way up to the second floor in the house.
On the Japanese copy you can play through the whole level without any trouble at all.
According to the log.txt there's something making the nvidia driver spam a couple of times.
The crash might also be related to saving, since the game does save at that place.
I'll leave the log.txt for the european copy and a screenshot where it crashes (if possible) and a save.
FYI: The game also crashes when loading the 10th drop. To avoid that, click "Load Save" (or whatever comes up at the splash screen), then select cancel. It will the prompt you a screen where you can do a level select.
Hardware tested on:
Intel Core i5 4670k @ 4.2GHz
GTX 1060 6GB
16GB DDR3 Ram
Cemu version:
Changes made to Cemu:
Disabled separate shaders, enabled the disable precompiled shaders.
Everything else default (as in fresh copy)
Updated by chriztr over 5 years ago
It is meant to say Cemu version 1.15.3b
I.. hit the wrong key.